Thursday, May 31, 2007

Evening, May 31

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Just when one thinks that nothing good will ever happen, things turn.

Today was a good day. It started out rough with low grade fever and a storm during the mid-day. Then they took Sabina to CAT scan, determined that the shunt needed adjustment, and then adjusted the shunt. Right then, things turned and Sabina's heart rate, blood pressure and everything else stabilized, and then she achieved some comfort and became attentive again.

All in all a nice finish to the day. Sabina is still on Jevity 2, and running at the max rate of 40 ml/hr, enough to gain her weight with this denser formula. Another day on this and they may run her to Jevity 1.5. The pneumonia seems to be lifting with Sabina's temp at 99.

Shelly is much brighter and much relieved. Kenny's visit gave Shelly a much needed lift. There is a new picture of Sabina on the window of Sabina's room.

My prayer is for thanks to the physicians who relieved Sabina's distress. Prayer is offered to Sabina's continued strengthening and recovery.

Evening, May 30

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Another rough day. Don't know how to express Shelly's feelings. The pneumonia and the fever and coincident fevers are causing Shelly to doubt whether care will be effective.

Today Sabina had a fever that went up to 102 and is now stable at 99. She stormed with high heart rate and high BP. She is on three antibiotics for pneumonia.

My prayer is for Sabina to recover from the pneumonia and to end her storming.

I pray for Shelly's restoration and strength through this most difficult period. I pray for God's love to heal Sabina.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Evening, May 29

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Another very rough day.

Sabina had a fever all day, partly due to the pneumonia and partly due to the fact that she has to take an antibiotic that she is allergic to. She is running a fever of 102.7 at present and they are contemplating a cooling blanket. They fear that the blanket may bring on a storm so are laying back.

My prayers are for Sabina to get through this latest crisis with the pneumonia, and for her strength to be restored. My prayers to Shelly for staying by Sabina through all of this.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Evening, May 28

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Rough day.

A storm this afternoon. Trying to control heart rate and BP and keep stimuli down. Cooling blanket removed. Fever over 101, now down to 100+, HR 170, BP 180/95. At least she is being fed although a bit light at 15 Jevity2 /hr. Fairly stable tonight. CAT scan tomorrow. Will adjust the shunt also.

The only positive for the day was that Susan stopped by to lend a hand.

My prayers for Sabina's recovery and restoration of strength. My blessings to Shelly who stays with Sabina through all of this.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Evening, May 27

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Not a good day. Sabina had several storms or fever spikes during the day going to 101 at times. She is in pain grinding her teeth. They had to put a tongue depresser between her teeth.

They talked Friday about cutting her pain killers and this may be the effect of that maneuver,
fearing that the pain killers are causing nausea. She had to go off feed today because of vomiting, and went back on this evening as was on Jevity 2 upped to 10/hour as Shelly left at 9.

My prayer is for Sabina to stabilize and begin feeding and adjusting to the pain killers. My prayers for her doctors and nurses to see through this for Sabina. My prayers for Shelly to give her strength.

Evening, May 26

(e-mail from B. Parady)

A pretty good day in sum. Sabina watched TV for a fair period. Her fever was in check for most of the day then crept up in the evening over 100. It was quickly knocked down to 99+.

In all a fairly comfortable day except for the fever phase. The pneumonia is still on with 3 antibiotics going. I suspect that they will cut back to one when they get a culture back.

Oh yes, she did move her toes. Something not seen in a very long time.

My prayers are offered for her continued good care and recovery.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Evening, May 25

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Still working through the pneumonia. Sabina is on 3 antibiotics at this time to deal with it and has slight fever because of it.

They are adjusting her shunt because of swelling at the operation site.

They are upping her nutrition to a denser material and giving her Reglan or something like that to enhance absorption.

Most of the day she was drowsy.

My prayers are offered for her continued recovery from pneumonia and loss of nutrition and for her recuperation.

Evening, May 24

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Sabina's spirits have been good all day. The problems are elsewhere. She vomited up all her food and to compensate, they are giving her 2 units of blood. After being put on the respirator for the operation, she now has pneumonia again.

I offer my prayer for Sabina's recovery from pneumonia and being able to digest again. May her recovery continue.

Morning, May 24

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Shelly was really excited this morning. The physical therapist had Sabina move her leg on command. Moving on command is often regarded as the difference between coma and consciousness.

Nothing else to report at this time. Having Susan there last night really saved the day for Shelly.

Prayers for Sabina's love, hope and recovery.

Evening, May 23

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Another rough day, though Sabina has been alert through the day. Sabina has not been fed for a while because of the vomiting. They are working to some sort of resolution on this.

They had to Xray her arm to install a PIC because her veins were collapsed. She has a minor fever at this point and they are working to deal with it using painkillers.

Not an easy time for Shelly nor Sabina. Susan is there reading to Sabina which is much appreciated.

My prayer is for Sabina to begin being fed comfortably and for her to resume her recovery. I pray for comfort for Shelly.

Evening, May 22

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Rough day. Sabina had a fever that was determined to be a central fever through most of the day. She has a fever of 101. Her arms are swollen, possibly due to a clot.

The shunt went in successfully late in the day.

Shelly is with Sabina, and staying till at least 11:30.

My prayers for Sabina's recovery from surgery and fevers. I pray for Shelly and her comfort.

Evening, May 21

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Busy day today. Some storming last night. The day had her under sedation to reduce storming to get her to surgery tomorrow. The neurologicals seem to be improving with Parra stating that she is showing semi-deliberate responses. Because of that they have wired her head again. Shelly is on cloud nine. The roller coaster continues.

We may have surgery tomorrow, the picture is murky at the moment. She is on a reduced feeding at 30/hour, they are reluctant to move her up faster.

Dre has provided a fabulous picture collection for Sabina's rehab to help rehash her last few years.

My prayers are for Sabina's healing to come from the highest with all the love of the Lord.

Evening, May 20

(e-mail from B. Parady)

The day started with Sabina being active. Shelater had a storm with fever. This brings her procedure tomorrow for a shunt in question, and will likely be delayed until Tuesday or later depending on the course of the storm. Currently they are planning on surgery tomorrow, but that could change.

Sabina did watch a fair amount of TV and stayed attentive.

My prayers are for her steady recovery from thes torm and for comfort for Shelly.

Evening, May 19

(e-mail from B. Parady)

A day of heavy sedation. She was groggy with a low (45) heart rate early in the day, and now the heart rate is just below 60. She smiled at Shelly a couple of times. They drained her spinal fluid to reduce swelling. They will likely let the swelling increase tomorrow night to give the surgeon a better target when the shunt is installed on Monday. Today it looks certain for the shunt.

On the feeding side, Sabina is up to 25/hour and they are increasing it slowly because of the vomiting that took place before.

My prayers go out to Sabina for her steady recovery, and to Shelly who is bearing the load of being with Sabina.

Evening, May 18

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Found out more about the asymmetry in Sabina's bone flap. It turns out the bone flap is symmetric. The reason that her head appears asymmetric is that there is a loss of muscle. With hair and possible future plastic surgery like collagen injections, there exists the possibility for some rebuilding.

So what will happen is that the pressure in Sabina's skull will be monitored via CAT scan over the next couple of days and if there is progress (not sure what they are looking for) steadily till Monday, they will cancel the proposed shunt on Monday, and wait a couple more days. If progress continues, the shunt will be cancelled altogether.

Sabina looks a lot better after Dr Connolly adjusted things a bit after removing the drainage tube. Shelly feels a lot better at this point. Sabina was opening her eyes again as we talked.

My prayers are for my sweet daughter's continued recovery.

Morning, May 18

(e-mail from B. Parady)

The bone flap is the wrong shape for Sabina's head. Sabina will in alllikelihood require installation of a shunt.

My prayer is that Sabina will come through all of this and that her doctors will ensure her health. I pray for Shelly's comfort.

Evening, May 17

(e-mail from B. Parady)

The day has been steady and uneventful. Sabina has been very steady with long periods of eye opening and wakefulness. She smiles in reaction to various things and seems to sense that there is something different, and it is better.

Both Shelly and Dr Gordon feel that things are much better neurologically. Sabina has a long way to go in that she exhibits no level of control over her limbs yet. That will take time.

Some folks have asked about the shunt and what is it if Sabina has one installed. It is technically called a ventricular shunt. More information is here:

Shelly is continuing her routine of physical therapy, moving Sabina's limbs. Visitors are now welcome of course.

Our prayers continue for Sabina's recovery.

Morning, May 17

(e-mail from B. Parady)

First morning after surgery.

The report from Shelly is wonderful. Sabina is as alert as she has ever been. She is "very very alert." She seems to be watching the television and paying attention.

She is still sedated from the surgery, and is still on the respirator for post-surgical recovery.

They have her scheduled for a shunt on Monday. They plan to watch her during the next 3 days and decide whether to implant the shunt. If not, they will simply cancel the Monday surgery. Expect her then to take a quick trip to Helen Hayes.

So given the news, I decided to include a photo of the bridge over the Hospital from Joon for your enjoyment, in spite of the fact that it will clog your email.

My thanks are offered in prayer to the staff of Columbia Presbyterian.

Evening, May 16

(e-mail from B. Parady)

As you know Sabina came out of surgery in fine shape. All that I have to report is that her CAT scan looks great and the brain is adjusting to its new box. Dr Connolly told us both that she may need a shunt, and that if it were to be done it would be done on this visit to Columbia, rather than having her come back again. Sabina was opening her eyes slightly in spite of the heavy sedatives.

So, my expectation is still for Sabina to be at Columbia until Monday or Tuesday.

Our prayers for a continued recoveryand restoration through the night and tomorrow.

Surgery Update, May 16

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Surgery is complete. It took 4 hours under sedation. Sabina was terrified going in, and is now resting peacefully. She is so heavily sedated that they have put her on the respirator in case she forgets to breathe. They expect to remove it when sedation is lifted.

Sabina now has a tight head bandage which will be on for 2 days. There are drainage tubes and lots of scary-looking tubes coming out. They will make a call on whether to install a shunt in 2 days. Right now it looks like transport to Helen Hayes no earlier than Monday.

Sabina has already had visitors from the dietetics compatriots.

Currently in New York there appear to be tornado warnings with very high winds and black skies at the hospital. The kind of day where no one bothers with an umbrella unless they want it destroyed. So no storms for Sabina, the weather is taking that role.

Our prayers now for her comfortable, and complete surgical recovery.

Evening, May 15

(e-mail from B. Parady)

A good steady, pleasant day. Shelly learned a few new tricks from the physical therapist. The plan is still for Thursday surgery, though they brought up the possibility of having Wednesday surgery.

OK, I really don't know when Sabina will have her surgery. Infectious disease gave her a clean bill. The docs had a lot of emergency today, which reduces the likelihood of anything tomorrow.

What this means is if they do not do her tomorrow, Sabina would likely go to Helen Hayes on Monday. But then again who knows?

So, our prayers go to getting just another good day awaiting what tomorrow brings.

Morning, May 15

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Sorry for being a bit late, but Sabina's surgery was canceled today due to an emergency surgery preemption.

Wednesday is completely booked, so Sabina's surgery will go on as scheduled on Thursday.

Grammar Clarification

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Just to be absolutely clear and to avoid any misconceptions, I am not in New York and when I mentioned that "Sabina talked to me briefly", that is before her accident. The context should have made that clear, but some folks may not know that she is still semi-conscious and unable to speak. The trach makes it impossible for her to speak even if she wanted to.

When she does speak again, it will be a red letter day.

Evening, May 14

(e-mail from B. Parady)

As you know, the surgery was canceled forMonday, and is now on for Tuesday. Dr Mayer thinks no shunt is needed. He thinks that Sabina will be at Helen Hayes by the weekend. Shelly wants her at Columbia till Monday when the staffing is better atHayes.

Sabina is having poor absorption of her Jevity, so they dropped it back to 10, and will cut her to zero as surgery approaches on Tuesday. They may get her back upto 20 till midnight.

Sabina is considerably less groggy than yesterday indicating that they may be dropping the sedation. She smiled for Shelly.

I have great aspirations for Sabina. As you know she was really getting into pediatrics at Morgan-Stanley Hospital. When she gets to recovery, let's see if we can get her back there. She did talk to me briefly that she once considered becoming a pediatrician. Let's be hopeful that she will become an inspiration at whatever level she attains.

Our prayers continue for Sabina's continued restoration and recovery by whatever means is in the hands of her physicians and what God has given Sabina.

Evening, May 13

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Pretty stable day today. Apparently all too stable given the orders on her chart to move her to step-down. Step-down is the term for a regular hospital room. Funny how the world changes. At any rate, the word around here is that step-down is lousy, with patients sleeping in soiled bed linens. Shelly is fighting this.

So for surgery on Monday, well maybe not. Officially she is scheduled for Thursday, but Sabina is essentially on standby with them cutting her feeding at midnight, and then if there is no surgery restarting it. Best guess right now is noonish on Monday, if there is a gap in surgery load. Otherwise, Tuesday or Wednesday, or lo and behold Thursday. Welcome to Sabina and Shelly's roller coaster.

Currently they are keeping Sabina on a drug cocktail tuned to keep her storms away until surgery. The doctors at Columbia are good, very good.

I am starting to get the pictures that Helen Hayes requested for Sabina's rehab. Many thanks to all of you working your pictures. They can be simply of yourself with your name on the back or with Sabina, but be sure to make the faces large and easy to see.

Erin and I headed back today. Shelly is now back on the east side for her stay. We really missed the McKeen, even for this afternoon. Shelly was ready to go up to our room and kick off her shoes. Having that facility was great.

Our prayers for the new day and whatever it will bring for Sabina, whether another day of waiting or completion of her surgery.

Evening, May 12

(e-mail from B. Parady)

A good day of rest and some activity. After the storms and difficulty of the last two nights, welcome. We had a minor scare late this evening as she had a bit of respiratory distress and opened her eyes wide, the precursor to storms the last few nights. The nurse, one of Shelly's favorites, Yim, managed to suction Sabina out quickly and Sabina went back to resting.

Joon headed back early this morning,and Erin stayed through the day. Nice to have them both here. Both Shelly andI have really enjoyed staying at the McKeen, the in-house hotel-like facility at the hospital. It allowed both of us easy access, staying late if needed, and a comfortable refuge in the middle of the day. Shelly heads backto the upper east side tomorrow night, and I headback to Danville late in the afternoon.

We are praying for a pleasant and steady night for Sabina.

Morning, May 12

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Morning update. The storm last night was easily brought under control.

In the morning we saw increased swelling on her head, and were concerned. Dr Temes, the neurosurgeon, came by and gave some details. He was not concerned about the level of swelling. He does not think that a shunt is indicated since the fluid appears stable. There is no relationship between storms and fluid. He said that overall the storms will decrease over time. Certainly a relief to us. Getting the flap in will not relieve the storms, but will not aggravate them either. They plan tocontinue her drug cocktail at Helen Hayes or wherever she rehabs, and decrease the medication over time. The cocktail is to moderate the storms. Dr Temes said that he was the one responsible for bringing her here.

So all in all, things move along, slowly. Our prayers of thanks for Dr Temes, and the fine ysicians and nursing staff here.

Evening, May 11

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Things went from great to terrible last night. We had a storm as I was in her room after 10pm. Hard to watch as she writhed. They got her back to normal in a short period of time, within 2 hours.

What the storm did was call into question her infectious state, and because of that she lost her place in line at 7am. So no surgery today. It has been rescheduled for Monday.

Most of the day was quite calm today with a fair amount of eye activity. Some vomiting indicating some digestive distress, perhaps impaction. They were about to relieve it this evening and she had another storm at a little after 9. I am now waiting it out.

So my prayers for Sabina to get over this storm in safety.

Evening, May 10

(e-mail from B. Parady)

A very nice day today. An hour or so of open eyes at midday, then a lot of rest. She seemed genuinely tired. During her wakefulness she was expressive and seemed to be tracking. Vitals were very stable and good. They bumped up her Jevity to 60/hour.

This evening we got the news of her scheduled surgery on Friday: 7am. So we are tense with anticipation. Shelly will be up early in the morning and I will be staying late with her this evening.

So our prayers for Sabina in the night, and for her surgical team tomorrow.

Evening, May 9

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Today we got the decision on the surgery: Friday. The docs wanted everything in the area of infection to be clear before embarking. So we are heading toward a Friday operation.

In Sabina's case, her head swelled a bit more and her surgeon, Sander Connell called for fluid to be drained from the spine to reduce the swelling volume. This seemed to help her a bit and she came around to see us, express herself. Nice evening.

Most of the day her vitals were right on, no fevers, just sleepy and tired. On the people side, a lot of visitors today, from the Nutrition/Dietition corps, Ron, Matt, and Erin who arrived for a stay until Sunday.

Shelly and I are now ensconced in the McKeen facility on the 9th floor of Milstein. Pleasant, and more than convenient. I leave on Sunday and Shelly returns to the more spartan facilities then.

Her nursing care is just on top of things. Shelly is playing physical therapist.

All is well and we pray for thanks, and her good care going into Friday.

Evening, May 8

(e-mail from B. Parady)

A quiet day today. She slept with very normal and steady vitals today, no storms, no fevers and all is well. There was no surgery because of an infection. The white count went to normal today and the urinary tract infection seemed to be clearing. Her yeast infection was also cleared.

Infectious disease came by and basically cleared her for surgery tomorrow. We met the surgeon earlier, and he seemed to be taking a conservative path, ready to go forward. He will be cutting all her hair unlike St Vincents which let it clump.

He was not concerned about her swelling and felt that putting the prosthetic flap would take care of the swelling. He indicated that there was little likelihood of Sabina needing a shunt with the new flap perhaps clearing things up.

So little activity today, a resting day, and we face tomorrow with the likelihood of surgery.

Our prayers are for Sabina's continued strengthening and the surgeon having an easy time getting everything just right whenever it happens.

Evening, May 7

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Wild and woolly day. Shelly and I visited Sabina this morning at Helen Hayes not knowing what the day brings. We needed to take care of some affairs in the city and when we returned as we were eating we got the call that the ambulance was on its way to take Sabina back to Columbia.

It turns out Sabina had a spike fever this morning and the swelling over her craniectomy. The concerns raised were whether to install a shunt and whether she had an infection.

She is now in room 8-354, next door to her old room. Tomorrow morning we need to be in at 9 am to approve of whatever procedure needs to be done tomorrow. The go-no-go is in the hands of the infectious disease team.

So for now, we are both praying for her restoration and good care at Columbia and return to Helen Hayes.

Evening, May 6

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Spent the whole day with Sabina today.

She does have swelling on the side of herhead which seemed better than yesterday.

She seemed to track with eyes and was emotionally responsive. Got a lot face time with her. Really enjoyed the time. We like the Helen Hayes staff and patient visitors. One of the other visitors came by to introduce her son who was hit by a drunk driver in Mexico at 80 mph. He is now walking around.

We spent the day moving her limbs. We enjoyed being with her.

I guess we feel somewhat optimistic about her and getting to recovery.

At present we have no clue as to what will happen tomorrow. The goal of the Columbia docs is to do surgery for the skull prosthesis, and perhaps do a shunt, to be determined.

All of this depends on availability of a bed which may or may not happen. We are prepared to stay at the Crowne Plaza at Ft Lee if need be, or we return.

So our prayers continue for her restoration on the skull, her rehabilitation, and good spirits and strength.

Evening, May 5

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Just arrived from California and went up to her room at Helen Hayes.

Shelly has been by her side. They have an attendant in her room at all times which in many ways is better than a regular hospital room.

Sabina does have swelling in the spot where her skull flap is and will need to get that treated. Monday she is scheduled to return to Columbia probably for a shunt and maybe to have her prosthes is installed. She didnot appear feverish so all may be happening this week.

It was mostly a quiet day for her today but she is not in distress, she seems to need the recovery.

We will need to return to NYC at least during my stay and I will be looking for a room for us during that time. I will like take in the Crowne Plaza across the GW.

Our prayers for Sabina and her continued treatment and recovery. The struggle is a difficult one.

Evening, May 4

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Sabina had a fever in the morning, which wasrelieved mid day. She is on antibiotics. Sheis having some hydrocephalus, or swellingof the brain, and various measures arecontemplated. She has some sort of minorinfection, perhaps bladder.

She tends to get tired very easily after allthe rehab and so sleeps deeply to compensate.Her wakeful periods seem short.

Shelly really likes the optimistic environment andmood exuded at Helen Hayes, and really enjoys it.

They are planning on doing the skull prosthesisthis Tuesday and shipping her back to Columbia on Monday. Right now given the state of her infections, I would call this iffy at best. My guess is that they will call it off,but then again, I do seem to be wrong thesesorts of things.

I am still planning on going back to the uppereast side on Sunday to pick up anyone whowants to spend the afternoon.

At this time, prayer is for her hydrocephalus andthat it may be relieved, and for her infectionsthat they may be removed, and for her continued strength through what will bea difficult time in the next few weeks.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Evening, May 2

(e-mail from B. Parady)

This was the first full day at Helen Hayes for both Sabina and Shelly.

The first thing that Shelly said was that Sabina smiled today. The staff had her sitting in bed today. They had physical therapy, voice lessons. She was not afraid and seemed to be glad to be up doing things. She had a period of rapid heartbeat, but it was quelled quickly. There was a bit of a fever and they are bringing back the antibiotics again.

Currently she is not sharing a room with anyone although there are 4 beds in her room. It overlooks the Hudson Valley in a great view. They plan to give her a bath tomorrow which apparently all the patients seem to love. By the end of the week they plan to have Sabina in a wheelchair and have her going on the grounds. Tomorrow she will start to wear regular clothes in the hospital, not hospital garments.

So lots of change. Sabina seems to welcome it and so does Shelly.

All our prayers for Sabina's continued hard work for her rehabilitation.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Evening, May 1

(e-mail from B. Parady)

A new month, a new hospital for Sabina. As noted, she has been transferred up to Helen Hayes Hospital.

Sabina got up here at 7:30 all in good shape. She is resting at the moment. There are lots of young people up here. They have a full time attendant in her room at the moment at least for one night. They plan to be very aggressive with Sabina's rehab. The word is that recovery is slow here, like watching grass grow.

Shelly's room is free for the asking and she is comfortable. Sabina's surgery will happen at Columbia in a week or two. They are two days away from finishing her skull flap replacement. The surgery is not regarded as a big deal. Likely she will return to a regular room at Columbia and not NICU and be there only one night or two before returning to HHH. Shelly plans to stay with Sabina at HHH until July to get a full course of rehab there and to have the support of the Columbia staff as needed.

That is all for today. I plan to be back in NYC on Sunday and will trek up to HHH. I am planning to take a car.

My prayers for Sabina's steady rehabilitation and Shelly's strong support. People do get very depressed facing a very slow road to rebuilding their lives and need a lot of support.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Schedule of Move to Helen Hayes

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Sabina will likely be moved to Helen Hayes today. Paperwork is the only remaining obstacle.

Shelly will be staying in the family facility at Helen Hayes Hospital.

Evening, April 30

(e-mail from B. Paradi)

Given the machinations of insurance and the interchange with St Vincents it appears that Sabina will not be moving until Wednesday to Helen Hayes. The floor seems relatively empty at this point so the pressure to move her is not intense.

Sabina's eyes were open for long periods of time. Later she went into a deep sleep, a restful sleep that she seems to need. By and large a good day for her. A slight fever, that later dropped back to near normal. Vital signs are stable.

One thing friends are doing is creating cassette tapes or CDs of their voice reading or saying things for Sabina to hear. This seems to be something that we can take with us to Helen Hayes and offer some comfort.

Our prayers are for Sabina and her well being and comfort and healing.

Evening, April 29

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Not a bad day. Mostly sleepy since Sabina was active last night. She had a little bit of high heart rate for which the nurse administered some fluids and it went away. There is a mild fever which is not much of a concern of staff a this point. Any storming last night was mild.

They consider Sabina stable enough to be sent to Helen Hayes. It would appear that she will be there from 2 to 4 weeks awaiting skull flap prosthesis.

So, lots of friends today, especially since Sabina will be going into the hinterlands for a while. Shelly really welcomes the support and it means a lot. The new man on NICU is Neeraj Badjatia for the week.

Well, time for some more prayer of Sabina's rehab and reconditioning. My thanks for the work of the staff of Columbia to stabilize her.

Evening, April 28

(e-mail from B. Parady)

The first half of the day went well, but then Sabina had another neurological storm. The typical storm as you know has been a spike in fever and rapid heart rate. We thought that after not having any storms for almost a week that they had passed.

Not sure that Sabina will be leaving to Helen Hayes early next week if they don't get a handle on the storms.

The staff treated the storm quickly and the demerol made her sleepy for the rest of the day.
So the optimism of the week faded a bit today, but we all know that there are ups and downs in recovery.

I will offer a prayer for Sabina's continued good care and a management of her storms.

Evening, April 27

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Busy day for Sabina. The therapists sat her up today. Did not bother Sabina that much, but Shelly almost had a heart attack. Apparently they are very aggressive about getting folks up and about, and Sabina is no exception. When she sat up her eyes opened wide in excitement.

They worked on her neck muscles and the like to get her tone back up. A new helmet was brought in from the brace department, and it is a much better fit. Sabina seems to have stopped her diarrhea and had a bit of a fever which was moderated with a cooling blanket. It went down to the 99+ range.

All in all she had a good day. She was sleeping as Shelly called in. Things are going to get much more active for as they move forward. Dr Mayer left Dr Parra in charge for the weekend. Next week a new doctor takes a turn. Dr Mayer is taking the the week off from his normal rotation, and Dr Mayer makes the schedule.

Kendra came by, totally jet lagged, and shocked when she saw Sabina.

Mostly what I like is Sabina's care, and that Shelly is comfortable going home and sleeping at night. We have a lot to be thankful for.

So let's give Sabina a cheer for being sat up. Little things every day.

Our prayers for Sabina continue, as she is given rehab.

Evening, April 26

(e-mail from B. Parady)

She had somewhat active day today with physical therapy and Botox injections. In the evening she was tired with diarrhea slowing her down a bit. They are giving her potassium to compensate.

Basically she is physically stable at this point and able to be transferred to Helen Hayes Hospital in West Haverford, NY. We anticipate that around Monday next week Sabina will be transported up there for about 3-4 weeks awaiting her skull flap repair, and then be transported back to Columbia at that time.

So far there has been no change in Sabina's neurological state, though we remain hopeful.
So here are my prayers to Sabina, for her to return to consciousness, and to be built up through her rehab.