Saturday, June 16, 2007

Evening, June 16

(e-mail from B. Parady)

As far as Sabina's condition goes today, my view is that she had a pretty good day, and would call it improving. Shelly might disagree, calling some active periods storming, whereas I would not.

Basically the day started with getting more of her fentanyl and being taken off the respirator from last night to 3pm today when she stormed and had to be put back. There are two views of the respirator and storming relationship, one is that she got tired off the respirator and needed to be back on, the other is that storming made her tired and needed to be put back on. She stormed a couple of times for brief periods and the staff was quickly on it.

We are in a bit of a vicious cycle. The more we try to cut back on sedation, the more storming and the more sedation. We have a tricky titration here. Sabina's attentiveness was very good in my mind, but Shelly called some of it storming. Clearly we are heading into a difficult period. Shelly feels that we need to end Sabina's suffering. I still harbor a divergent view.

My prayers are for Sabina to take hold of her recovery, and for strength for Shelly to support Sabina's fight for life.

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