Saturday, April 28, 2007

Evening, April 23 (Extra Report)

(e-mail from B. Parady)

We have a lot of good news. To start with Sabina is off the respirator. Amazing. She still breaths through the trach for eases. Second Dr Mayer gives her a 50 percent chance. He says that if Sabina can follow simple commands within one year, she has a chance of recovery. He has seen worse. Her heart is strong and otherwise in good shape.

The doctors are administering a drug cocktail to find Sabina's best place to operate. As soon as medicaid gets approved she can go to Helen Hayes upriver in New York. Dr Mayer is working out options on when to replace her skull flap.

What Sabina needs now is lots of pleasant stimulation via speech. He says that patients do best when they have something to come back to. So I guess this is my appeal for friends to come and visit and visit often.

Amazing. They are really trying to live up to their sign.

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