Saturday, April 28, 2007

Evening, April 24

(e-mail from B. Parady)

Sabina had a day without fever. They have not administered any antibiotics. She had her eyes open from 11:30 to 5:45 and Shelly spent the day talking upbeat, positive things to her.

Sabina has been off the respirator for 24 hours without complication. They removed the St Vincent's tracheostomy with one that Columbia uses.

Sabina's mood and expression was sad and melancholy, but Shelly was working to disabuse her of any negative notions telling her that it as ok to be sad and tired, but that Sabina was not allowed to give up.

Dr Mayer had the consulting neurologist on her fever storming come and visit Sabina.

All in all, Shelly is thrilled to have Dr Mayer on Sabina's side and looks forward to Sabina's continued progress.

Our prayers continue for Sabina's steady climb.

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